Only three ingredients provide moist salmon fillets bursting with flavor! Wonderful garnished with basil leaves and served with Naan bread and steamed...
A foolproof oven-baked salmon dish that is easy to make and big on flavor. If you don't like dill, you could try other fresh herbs, or even a mixture of...
I first created this dish when my family suggested I try something other than the same tired (yet still yummy) Asian salmon dish. I whipped this up out...
This is the absolute tastiest broiled salmon I've ever had, and only takes about 25 minutes from start to finish! Using just a few ingredients, you will...
This is a great recipe for beginners! This was my first time making fish and it was a hit. Even my 9 year old daughter who wouldn't dream of eating fish...
This is an amazing miso salmon recipe that I discovered after eating the miso salmon from The Cheesecake Factory®. It's extremely easy to make and tastes...
A large salmon filet, steamed in foil and cooked either in the oven or barbecue. It's seasoned with minced garlic, fresh baby dill, lemon slices, fresh...
You don't need the broiler to make great salmon fillets. A hot oven can produce tender, moist, flaky meat every time. This recipe uses lots of lemon juice...
You can make these easy salmon foil packets ahead of time or as a last minute dinner idea. Feel free to switch up the seasoning or vegetables to your liking....
This salmon gets marinated in a maple and jalapeno sauce, then gets topped with additional maple syrup during baking, for a perfect spicy-sweet marriage...
This is honestly the best salmon you will ever taste! Lemony dill salmon fillets steamed to perfection in tin foil pouches accompanied by homemade tartar...
This is a salmon version of a tuna casserole. You can use tuna in this as well. I made this up in college when I needed to make something that would use...
This salmon is my husband's favorite. Don't let the total time fool you -- very easy to make. This recipe is great served with mashed potatoes. You can...
This dish is fairly easy to make, yet it is elegant, tasty, and very nutritious! You may want more or less salad with it. It may be served with quinoa...
I just love preparing a gourmet-looking and tasting dish and this was so easy! A thank you to City Fish for the salmon steaks. Ceramic bakeware like Emile...
This is one of my favorite methods for cooking salmon! Baked on a bed of onions and jalapeno peppers and thickly covered with seasoned salsa, the salmon...
This hot and sweet salmon dish can be done in the oven or on the grill. My Dad has been making this for us for years. Serve with new potatoes, corn, green...
A nice, light, healthy summertime dinner. Salmon is marinated in a lime and honey mixture. And anytime I add lime to a dish, I want a margarita the size...
Delicate salmon is topped with a wonderful combination of mango and Brie cheese. The best part is that the Brie bakes with the salmon. Wonderful with a...